Parents have the right to view teachers’ resumes. Teacher resumes are located at the front office of the school campus.
We welcome communication from parents and encourage them to email our teachers for questions, concerns, or comments about your child’s success at our school.
Often, it’s difficult for teachers to accept phone calls during the day to speak to parents, so please use email communication, if possible.
AVERAGE TEACHER SALARY (A.R.S §15-189.05), as added by Laws 2023, Ch.285 §3.
1. Average salary of all teachers employed in budget year 2023 – $48,705.
2. Average salary of all teachers employed in prior year 2022 – $47,248.
3. Increase in average teacher salary from the prior year 2022 – $1,457.
4. Percentage Increase – 3.1%
Name | Title | |
Swen Anderson, MRED | President | sanderson@skylineschools.com |
Rachael Lay, M. ED | Principal | rlay@skylineschools.com |
Greg Garland | Vice Principal / Football Coach | ggarland@skylineschools.com |
Jam Hampton | Vice Principal | jhampton@skylineschools.com |
Maurice Riddick | Behavior Coach | mriddick@skylineschools.com |
Teresa Vazquez | K-12th Registrar | tvazquez@skylineschools.com |
Taylor Czachor | Attendance Clerk | tczachor@skylineschools.com |
Monica Morales | Kindergarten | mmorales@skylineschools.com |
Erica Rhodes | 1st Grade | erhodes@skylineschools.com |
Mary Johnson | 1st Grade | mjohnson@skylineschools.com |
Bea Valdez | 2nd Grade | bvaldez@skylineschools.com |
Grace Holloway | 2nd Grade | gholloway@skylineschools.com |
Melissa Rohr | 3rd Grade | mrohr@skylineschools.com |
Marion Rael | 3rd Grade | mrael@skylineschools.com |
Cheryl McEwen | 4th Grade | cmcewen@skylineschools.com |
Paris Booker | 4th Grade | pbooker@skylineschools.com |
Miranda Summers | 5th Grade | msummers@skylineschools.com |
Jami Zubiate | 5th Grade | jzubiate@skylineschools.com |
Rosie Johnson | 6th Grade | rjonhson@skylineschools.com |
Lynette Townsend | 6th Grade | dtownsend@skylineschools.com |
Denise Foulkrod | Reading Interventionist | dFoulkrod@skylineschools.com |
Teri Piasecki | Physical Education | tpiasecki@skylineschools.com |
Dawn Wiggall | Music Teacher | dwiggall@skylineschools.com |
Megan Hall | Art Teacher | mhall@skylineschools.com |
Crystal Mora | Dance Teacher | cmora@skylineschools.com |
Chealsey Summerfield | Special Education | csummerfield@skylineschools.com |
Aleah Brady | Special Education Aide | Abrady@skylineschools.com |
Miriam Riddick | Kindergarten Para | mriddick@skylineschools.com |