K-6 Core Knowledge
A central goal of every teacher ought to have is providing his or her elementary students with K-6 core knowledge. Having a subject matter basis off of which students can enter higher levels of education leads to enhanced teaching, topical focus, and successful students. We want your elementary-aged child to have a clear, inviting, and fruitful time at Vector Prep and Arts School, so we’ve worked tirelessly to build deeply functional curricula. Continue reading to discover three key components of our core knowledge foundation for students.
The Importance of Student Core Knowledge
Whether students want to go on to teach history at the collegiate level, are passionate about engineering, or any pursuit in-between, core knowledge about a variety of subjects is essential. Many topics of study—such as social studies and history, for example—build upon each other and enhance any given student’s ability to master a subject.
Common knowledge also ensures that individual students are not feeling left behind in high school and beyond, where many courses build off of core knowledge frameworks. Furthermore, possessing core knowledge allows students to progressively specialize in their interests and tackle advanced topical material.
Consistent Information Exposure
For students to have a maximum grasp of crucial subjects, teachers of different subjects need to coordinate curricula. The more consistent and aligned students’ exposure is to key concepts, the likelier academic progression becomes while giving students a foundation that grows stronger daily.
For example, if 3rd graders are learning about different countries in geology lessons, a biology or ecology course could educate them about animals in different countries. The more opportunities students have to make connections between subjects, the more likely their learning is to stick.
Sequential Study Matters
Another vital aspect of K-6 core knowledge is mutual staff cooperation on sequential study. While there’s nothing wrong with customized teaching styles or goals, a cohesive, sequential order in which students should digest specific subjects is necessary for proper growth. Learners should be given age-appropriate topics to engage with, not only to avoid overwhelm but to equip them for all future academic challenges. Sequential learning helps students find joy in learning, which we’ve found is the bedrock of successful adult life.
Want to discover more about our comprehensive enthusiasm for staff and student excellence? Learn about our effective teaching methods here and read more about how we foster individual student excellence here.